- achieved better database performance by tuning memory area.
- adapted Rational Unified Process (RUP) for software development project.
- adjusted data retrieval query for optimized performance in data analysis and reporting.
- administered multiple instances of Oracle Server Enterprise Edition on Windows NT platform.
- analyzed business rules and user requirements.
- assembled mold detection devices on PCs.
- assessed wireless network implementation impacts.
- audited enterprise-wide network systems security policy and implementation.
- budgeted corporate financial management system integration project.
- coded C++ programs for image processing.
- computed total expenditure for performance budget forecasting.
- conducted SQL Server database performance tuning.
- configured MAXIMO Asset Management System on Windows 2000 Server.
- converted historical data in ASCII test files to XML format.
- created FTP-based file transfer utility on UNIX platform.
- cut IT cost by 10%.
- defined project scope and system use case.
- delivered high-quality software and services on schedule.
- designed a web-based inventory tracking software application.
- detected network performance bottlenecks.
- developed a Java SWING desktop application.
- diagnosed agency-wide WAN network performance issues.
- differentiated data presentation from business processing logic.
- distributed a .NET Mobile application to over 200 Palm handheld users.
- documented user requirements and business logic.
- eliminated software defect in production by QA enhancement.
- enforced industry standard methodology in software development projects.
- enhanced user authentication and security module for the existing application.
- established enterprise-wide software development and deployment framework.
- expanded VPN network to more users in remote locations.
- extracted online store transaction data from Oracle data warehouse.
- fixed bugs in existing software.
- formulated expenditure calculation in contract management system.
- identified memory leak and connection pooling problems in current C++ application.
- implemented Struts Framework in web-based application on JBoss.
- increased customer satisfaction by improved user interface.
- initiated software development quality control and assurance.
- integrated inventory management process into PeopleSoft system.
- interacted with customers to define functional requirements.
- introduced MVC architecture into web application projects.
- installed Maximo Asset Management System with WebLogic and SQL Server.
- invented automatic dust control system for coal preparation plants.
- investigated network security failure and operating system configuration defects.
- led SAP ERP implementation projects.
- made data standardization and classification policy.
- maintained Oracle data warehousing database for business banking data.
- managed multiple IT projects concurrently.
- minimized the risk of data lose by implementing stand-by database replication.
- modeled e-commerce transaction data.
- modified user interface.
- monitored LAN network performance.
- negotiated new contract for current project extension.
- operated mainframe database server machines in corporate data center.
- obtained hands-on skills in Cisco network equipment installation.
- optimized SQL query plan for faster data transaction.
- oversaw project planning and management.
- performed Oracle database backup and recovery tasks.
- piloted a prototype project for migrating a PowerBuilder application to J2EE platform.
- planned IT department projects and budgeting.
- prepared agency-wide LAN network wiring and configuration.
- processed historical accounting data.
- programmed ETL scripts to covert SSA data into data warehousing database.
- provided consulting solutions and technical support.
- proposed agency-wide financial system integration.
- published white papers on web services implementation topics.
- recommended backup & recovery procedures to improve user data availability.
- redesigned application's interface to improve end user experience.
- reduced network installation costs.
- reengineered enterprise-wide human resource management process.
- repaired Cisco switches and routers.
- researched data sorting algorithm for complicated data structures.
- resolved user authentication conflicts in the current system.
- restored Oracle instance from backup files.
- restructured the business tier for a J2EE web application.
- reviewed functional and technical documentations.
- revised functional specifications and technical specifications.
- served the State of California as an IT professional for 8 years.
- serviced clients on-site for database administration and performance tuning.
- simplified software license tracking process in IT department.
- solved SSL and client certificate authorization problems in web applications running on Tomcat.
- specified end user requirements and business logic.
- standardized data classification procedures.
- started business process reengineering project as the team leader.
- strengthened enterprise wide network security policy.
- studied grid computing impacts on database engine performance.
- summarized system requirements and specifications for new software development projects.
- supervised the QA team in software testing.
- tested the system's functionalities and performance.
- transformed ETL tasks from script-based process to Informatica implementation.
- trained the Java developer team to migrate to .NET technology.
- traveled worldwide to provide on-site data management services for international clients.
- troubleshot LAN network connection problems.
- updated company's operating system from Windows NT to Windows XP Server.
- upgraded database server from Oracle 9i to Oracle 10g.
- used Visual Basic to develop a client/server application.
- utilized PDFLib library to generate PDF reports in Java applications.
- verified system design and architecture assumptions in IV&V projects.
- wired LAN network and installed switches and routers.
- won several new contracts for GIS projects from State of New York.
- wrote proposals in response to customer's RFP.
2010年2月25日 星期四
100 Action Words for IT Resumes
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